
Get meeting compliance done 80% faster.

Quickly complete trade, compliance, and meeting notes in one hyper-organized workspace.


Powerful features to help you conquer compliance

Tackle compliance effortlessly using smart, efficient solutions. Our software enables you to easily manage and automate paperwork, keeping you compliant and organized, so you can dedicate more time to your clients.


Rapid Post-Trade Entry

Accelerate your trade notes process with automatic data population, minimizing manual input and increasing accuracy.


Integrated Meeting Notes

Streamline meetings recap notes by connecting notes to trades and other important information in one place.


Customizable Fund Database

Build a database of funds and securities with your own data for auto-filled trades. Speeding up you note taking process.


Secure Compliance

Safeguard your practice with client meeting checklists and options that guarantee a comprehensive review process.


Up-to-date Fund Data

Stay in compliance with continuously updated real-time fund data, including MER / TER expenses and risk ratings.


Entry Autofill

Drag and drop excel exports for instant trade order population and completion with unparalleled accuracy.

Industry regulations keep updating, your administrative process should too.

The All-in-one Advisor Terminal

Master compliance and optimize your financial advisory practice with our feature rich terminal that automates repetitive compliance tasks.

Get Started Now

Confirm your disclosures.

Stay confident and compliant by checking off disclosures and additional information with our easy fill form system.

Master your notes, leverage checklists.

Revolutionize your workflow with our core tools, streamlining note-taking and enhanced checklists for advisory excellence.
